Haha. Okay. So, the other day two of my dogs wanted to
go outside to go bark at the dog next door, and thankfully
the door was closed, because I look outside and the neighbor's
dog is peeking over our fence! And he got up there by climbing
on their stack of wood! And I started laughing, and Malia put a note
on the door saying " Don't let dogs out", so it was pretty exiting!
So then I tried calling the neighbors and no one was home! So
we're watching him and he starts looking around,then the dog
(Zeus) jumped over the fence in the front yard! So Malia and David
went through their back gate and put card board up so he couldn't climb
up anymore, and so Zeus waited in front of their front door, and then
just a little bit later someone got home, so they got him. But I just
thought it was so funny to see a dog's head looking over our fence!
Haha. !