Thursday, August 26, 2010


So, one sunday David and I were bored, so we got out the dominoes and put these two...dominoe things... ;D So, yeah!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Girl's Camp...........WAY overdue!!!

Okay, so, sorry this took so long. But here are some pics
from Girl's Camp and pictures of all the stuff we did!
So Dad made a few big pancakes, Liz is holdin' two foam pads
while I tried to help Gretchen with her foam pad! I guess
I wasn't enough help, because that's why she's sitting on it!
and, of course, we took a ton of pictures with each other!!
Oh, and if you're wondering what the big orange ball that Tiana
was "going to eat" (NOT!) is a big cheeseball from a doritos bag!!
And one of my Youth Leaders, Hailey Clark, took my black hat
and got puff paint and wrote what it say in the picture! Girl's Camp
was Great! Oh and the picture with the people on the couch, is from
when we were jumping off the couches in the lodge and taking pictures
while we were in the air!!