Friday, August 28, 2009

Time to clean the walls...and everything else!

So Tiana and I share a room and we have/had
a lot of posters covering the wall, and then I got a new
one and we decided to take all of the posters on that wall
down! So we did and there were a ton of holes from all
the push-pins so we got spackle and covered them all
up and before that I washed the dead bugs that have been
behind the posters for who knows how long (gross)!
And then we put the poters we wanted most to be up
and now it's not so crowded! And then we cleaned the rest of
our room and now its pretty much spotless! (lets see how long it lasts!!)




Now that I look at it it doesn't look a whole lot different but it feels different when I'm
actually in my room! So anyway, it was such a big thing for us so I figured it deserved "the
blog"!! haha...yeah!


Blogger All About Gretchen! said...

hehehehehe i love it.

August 29, 2009 at 1:00 PM

Blogger The Toad said...

How can you replace Legolas with Twilight???? Priorities, my dear girl! :D Just kidding!

August 31, 2009 at 11:13 AM


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